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Goodbye Preschool, Hello Kindergarten!

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The transition from Preschool to Kindergarten can be a daunting experience for both the child and the parents.  Preschool has been the home for many families and children for at least three years, even longer if they have multiple children who attended the same school.  It is the place that shaped their children to become prepared for Kindergarten socially, emotionally and intellectually.  This is where they have formed their first friendships and to many families, it has been their support group for many years – a place they trust, a place they called home.  It seems like yesterday when they began their early learning years, and now summer is about to end and so as their time in Preschool.  However, there are many ways to make the transition from Preschool to Kindergarten a fun and pleasant experience for children and families!

Here are some tips taken from NAEYC For Families on how to help with saying goodbye to Preschool and saying hello to Kindergarten {source} :

To Help With End-of-the-Year Feelings

• Place a sticker or make a mark on each day of the calendar every day during the last month of school.

• Encourage children to talk about their feelings about preschool ending; talk about your feelings too.

• Draw pictures and/or write good-bye messages for your child’s friends or teachers.

• Revisit the events of the past year with your child by looking at drawings, paintings, photos, and writing. Celebrate how much your child has learned this year.

• Offer stress-reducing activities at home such as water play, puppets, or playdough.

• Help the class plan an end-of-the-year family potluck.

• Plan ways to keep in touch with classmates or organize a regular play group.

To Ease the Move to Kindergarten

• Visit the new school before your child’s first day. Point out ways the room is similar to his preschool room, but also discuss how it holds new materials to explore.

• Plan playdates with new classmates.

• Read books about starting school, such as Look Out, Kindergarten, Here I Come! by Nancy Carlson; Will I Have a Friend? by Miriam Cohen, illustrated by Ronald Himler; and If You Take a Mouse to School, by Laura Numeroff, illustrated by Felicia Bond.

• Describe the daily routines, including arrival, breakfast, snack, lunch, and bathroom practices.

• After your child is well settled into kindergarten, plan playdates with old friends.