The Nurtury’s Mission to Families with Preschool Children
The Nurtury is dedicated to providing a child-centered full-day program for ages 2 to 6 that develops a healthy self-concept, a creative imagination and a social awareness in each child, while also meeting the needs of parents for quality care, community, and education in child development.
The Nurtury’s Mission to Educators
The Nurtury is active in the effort to provide “worthy wages” for early childhood educators. We provide our staff with the resources to do their job well and opportunities to continue their professional development. We partner with the State of California, Los Angeles Valley College, and Mission College to develop and support mentor teachers. Mentor teachers receive extra training and a stipend from the state for supervising and mentoring student teachers. We encourage our educators to be involved in the ongoing development of The Nurtury philosophy and policies.
The Nurtury’s Mission to the Community
The Nurtury strives to be a model of quality childcare for working parents. We partner with Los Angeles Valley College in their Infant Toddler Institute. We maintain ties with many local educational institutions and provide opportunities for student teachers from many local educational institutions and provide opportunities for student teachers from these institutions to be involved in Nurtury programs.